Thursday 30 May 2013

Roadshow: Inverness and Hawick coming up!

Next week our Board member jeweller and goldsmith Patty Niemann will speak at the third Roadshow venue at the GoNorth event, for which you can book here; only a few spaces left! It looks like an incredible line up of speakers and events, organised by Hi-Arts, as one of their last events.

On Tuesday we had our second Roadshow event. This time we received a very warm welcome at the delightful Big Cat Textile Centre. The centre is lead by the artist Jeanette Sendler who gave an inspiring talk about her work and how to lose your 'soul' when running a creative business. Kirsty Thomas from Lovely Pigeon  also spoke how she kept her focus on her design lead business and how she is managing her brand followed by a talk by Chair Inge Panneels and her diverse glass practice at idagos. This event was supported by the Fife Cultural Trust

The fourth event in the Roadshow will be held on Tuesday 18th June at Heart of Hawick. This networking event  will follow an afternoon workshop on 'Approaching Galleries and How to Cost Work' by Cultural Enterprise Office organised by CABN, for which you can book here:

AAS will host the networking event in the evening; another collaboration with the Scottish Artist Union with speaker artist Andrew Mackenzie, for which you can book here:

We hope to see you at one of these events. More dates to follow!

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