Thursday 21 February 2013

Blog posts and news

Apologies if you have been checking out our blog lately and have found some unsavoury content. One of our guest bloggers' account has been hacked and spam content, some of which was offensive had been posted. All content has now been deleted and I hope we have resolved the issue of the hacking!

On a positive note, we have just received news that AAS has been awarded £1,500 from a Trust Fund which will go towards developing the new AAS plans for 2013/14.

As you know all our Board are giving their time for free, but it helps to have a fighting fund to pay for expenses.

We are currently working on a Roadshow plan with a partner organisation, more of which more very soon.

Meanwhile research continues in the development of an apprenticeship scheme, also in partnership. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, or ideas you think are useful in this scoping research around apprenticeships we would love to hear from you,

The AAS Board will meet again on 19th March to flesh out these plans.

We hope to be able to give you more concrete details later in the month.


on behalf of the Board

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